Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nov. 4th Coming Up!

On second thought, I'll get back to the video later.

Last week I finally finished my research for my Oregon absentee ballot (it took a while because I had the added burden of not spending much time in Oregon in the last few years). I was pretty excited because this is the first year that I've been eligible to vote for a Presidential election. I found my ballot, but not the envelope required for my vote to count. WOW, right? Luckily I found my envelope fell out of one of my desk drawers into a lower one. Good thing I scoured my room and didn't bother to look there! I just finished filling out my ballot for the different federal, state, and county positions/measures and am ready to seal it off and send it out. It's partially exciting because the race for US Senator looks pretty tight in Oregon, so my vote actually carries more weight than say...Obama vs. McCain. Electoral College reform is another completely different matter though...

Regardless of who wins, I'll be looking forward to what's to come. My friend brought up a good point that one of his professors mentioned in class. On Tuesday after the next president is elected, people will be celebrating because close to half of our population won't have a voice in government. I don't necessarily agree 100%, but it's an interesting point.


Friday, October 17, 2008

The Week & What's to Come?

Well, this marks the end of midterms week. It's funny because I did my share of complaining about midterms when I actually had one midterm. I guess going with the flow is the way to do it, right? Sure.

During the week I attended a Diversity Event put on by CIC-SHRM, the Central Illinois Chapter - Society for Human Resource Management. I'm taking Human Resource Management right now and we are required to go to at least one event CIC-SHRM puts on. I decided to go to their diversity event. They had a keynote speaker and a panel to field questions or expand on what the keynote speaker said.

Here's a picture of the event:

The quality of the presentation really surprised me. I assumed that because the event revolved around diversity, that nothing new would be surfaced. I've heard similar thing at workshops I've had to attend and it seems like people just kept inventing new ways to say the same thing. The keynote speaker effectively communicated what diversity is and what is not. The keynote speaker, Dr. Wesley McNeese, defined diversity as any mixture of things that is characterized by it's differences and similarities. He said it's not affirmative action, a variety of people in the workplace, or about a minority group. He related the things that make us different to silos. The silos can overlap and it's not only about the individual silos, but they can work together. You can come back to the different silos to fill our "oneness." I'm sure I'm not doing a great job of communicating his message, but I'm doing my best! I think one thing that one of the panelist said that really hit me is that she thinks it's offensive when someone approaches diversity as everyone being alike because differences are a reality and make us unique. It's interesting because it seems like that's what I've been taught in the past, to NOT see the differences. To see everyone as the same. But here it seemed like you should be able to acknowledge differences, but still realize we're all one.

To my friends who've just been waiting for some goofy post...they will come. I just figure that I need to put some substance in posts for the incoming freshman...mmmhmmm.

Peace easy, internet world. (Man, I think I use too many commas.)

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Post!

So...UIS bloggers, guess what? I've been tagged to answer some questions and just in case you needed content for some posts I'm tagging you! Here we go...

1) Why did you choose your major?
I'm majoring in Business Administration and Management because it's so broad and you have the opportunity to dip into several different fields. I started off as a Biology major, then went undecided, then looked into majoring in English, and here I the College of Business and Management.

2) What are your plans post-graduation?

All the details aren't set yet, but I'm planning on working with a Non-Profit International Professional Development Organization. I'll be heading up a a program called Vertical Learning Curve which offers MBA's for $12,000 instead of $50,000+ online from accredited American universities somewhere overseas (not sure where yet). Maybe an MBA?

3) What’s the last non-textbook you read? Great American Short Stories from Hawthorne to Hemmingway That's how it's formatted so I just thought I'd do the same. The last book I finished though was The Shack by William P. Young.

4) What’s the last movie you watched?

Horton Hears a Who!
Yes, I do love my animated movies.

5) What’s the last thing you watched on TV?

Sportscenter. The LSU vs. Florida game is going to be amazing. I'm hoping LSU pulls out the win.

6) What’s your favorite thing about being at UIS?
Lately, I think it's the fact that I can be around during this amazing transition UIS has been going through. The growth of this university since my freshman year in 2005 has been phenomenal.

7) What’s at the top of your iTunes playlist right now?
This past week it's been all about John Legend, The Roots, Feist, some Girl Talk mash-ups, and of course my NPR Podcasts. I've been on an instrumental kick these days too.

8) What’s one guilty pleasure you have?

I watch the Food Network ALL the time.

9) Where’s the best place you’ve ever traveled & why?

Kenya. My internship there changed my life.

10) Create your own question.


Alright, I'm looking forward to your responses Justin, Jordan, Nicholas, Charles, Sankeerth, Sam, Luke Runyon, Jeremy, and Luke W!

Here's the link to the UIS blogger homepage to check for their responses: HERE.

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